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Sleep Awareness Week®

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Welcome to Sleep Awareness Week® 2022! Every year, the National Sleep Foundation takes this time to reemphasize the important connection between your sleep and your health. This year, we’re helping you become your Best Slept Self. Because deep, rejuvenating sleep is what we toss-and-turn about.

Why we do it?

The connection between sleep and health is real. It impacts every one of us. It’s why we conduct our Sleep in America® Poll and release our findings to anyone who wants to know pretty much anything about sleep. During Sleep Awareness Week, we share valuable information on how people have been sleeping the past year, while offering research-based advice on the benefits of quality sleep and how it affects health and well-being.

What’s the National Sleep Foundation all about?

Short answer? Your sleep. We’ve been studying and reporting on it for over 30 years. It continues to be what springs us out of bed in the morning. Need a sleep aid? Consider us your go-to for daily habits and routines that lead to a healthier night’s sleep.