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World Autoimmune/Autoinflammatory Arthritis Day

Social: #AiArthritis #AUTOimmune #AUTOinflammatory

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Facebook: @IFAiArthritis


AiArthritis Day was established by our organization in 2012 to raise global awareness about autoimmune & autoinflammatory diseases with arthritis as a major component.

The event is celebrated for the duration of May 20th as it travels through all time zones globally, uniting dozens of nonprofits, advocates, and experts from around the world who raise awareness about these diseases. While anyone can choose how to raise awareness to honor this day, the official event has an auto racing theme, putting the "AUTO" in autoimmune and autoinflammatory.

Historically the event has engaged over 100,000 people in over 60 countries, potentially setting a record for any online single event ever held in the AiArthritis community. AiArthritis Day is recognized on over two dozen health calendars internationally.